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Instructor Resources

Zoom Teaching Workflow

Plan for using Zoom in Canvas

Solo instructors can skip to Pre-Quarter Set Up.

Determine Who Does What

If you are part of an instructional team, you should review the Instructional Team Task table below for guidance on how to determine who should take on each of the Zoom tasks in this section.

Note: Meetings created on the Zoom page in your Canvas course should have all instructional team members added (with their email accounts) as Alternative Host. You can add anyone who needs Alternative Host access to these meetings here if they are not auto-populated to the field when creating the meeting(s).

  1. Determine who will create the course Zoom meetings.

    This should be whoever manages the course recordings by either configuring their Panopto account to auto-import Zoom recordings (and verify everything worked correctly) or downloading each recording in their Zoom Online Profile and uploading the mp4 to Canvas or Panotpo.

    The meeting creator is also the only one who can pre-assign Breakout Rooms. Polls can be added and edited by Alternative Hosts as long as the Allow alternative hosts to add or edit polls option was selected when adding them to the meeting room.

    Note: UW Zoom Cloud recordings are automatically deleted 120 days after they are created so moving them off the Cloud is essential for students to have adequate access.

  2. Determine who will Start each meeting 15 minutes before meeting time to ensure there are no technical difficulties with the meeting or for the attendees.

    Note: the Host role is assigned to either the meeting owner or an Alternative Host depending upon who starts the meeting. If the meeting owner joins after an Alternative Host has started the meeting, the meeting owner is given the option to reclaim the Host role or have Host remain with the current Host. The former demotes the first Host to Participant. Alternative Hosts joining the meeting after it has been started are assigned the Co-host role.

  3. Determine who will start each meeting's recording (if auto-record is not enabled).
  4. Determine who will turn on Live auto-transcription.
    Using Live auto-transcript in your class meetings can help some students better understand the content you are presenting.
Instructional Team Task Handling
Task Should be person who... Notes
Create Zoom Meetings Deals with class recordings Only the meeting creator can upload the CSV file to pre-assign Breakout Rooms and manage access to Zoom recordings
Start Meeting 15 minutes early Can help students with their access issues or answer questions before class If everyone on the team has either Host or Alternative Host permissions, anyone can take on this role
Record Meeting Won't forget to start recording Meetings can be set to auto-record by the meeting creator
Turn on Live Auto-Transcript Will remember to turn on transcript Using Live auto-transcript in your class meetings helps students understand presented content.
Auto Import or Migrate Recordings Owns the meeting room Students lose access to UW Zoom Cloud Recordings after 120-days unless they have been imported or migrated

Pre-Quarter Set Up

  1. Instructor/Meeting Creator creates needed Meetings in Canvas.
  2. Make sure students know/can find:
    1. how to access the Zoom meetings
    2. the expectation that they should log in 10 minutes early to ensure they are ready for class to begin at the scheduled time
    3. what the meeting norms are (how and when to ask questions, whether they should have their webcam on (bandwidth permitting), how to handle technical issues, etc.).

What Happens Each Meeting

  1. Instructor/Meeting starter should arrive 15 minutes early in case of any technical difficulties.
  2. Instructor/Caption starter should turn on the Live auto-transcription.
  3. Instructor/Meeting recorder should begin meeting recording or confirm that auto-record is working.
  4. After class, meeting recordings
    1. If you are using the Panopto Zoom integration for recordings, you don't have to do anything!
    2. Otherwise,
      1. the Instructor/meeting creator can download the recording files either from the Cloud Recording tab of the Canvas Zoom App or from their Zoom Online Profile once the recording has finished processing (Cloud recordings generally take about 2 times the meeting duration to process at non-peak times, but should be done within 24 hours).
      2. Once downloaded, the recording files can be uploaded to Panopto or Canvas for extended student access.

Creating Zoom Meetings in Canvas

  1. From the Zoom application in Canvas, click the Schedule a New Meeting button
  2. Enter the information for the meeting. We recommend creating a recurring meeting when possible:
    1. Under When, select date of first meeting.
      Note: if you are creating a weekly recurring meeting, make sure the day of the week is correct.
    2. Under Duration, set for the scheduled class or office hours length.
      Note: The meeting duration is what appears on the Canvas calendar but the Zoom meeting does not automatically end at that (or any other) time.
    3. Confirm that the Time Zone is accurate
    4. We recommend you set both Video options (Host and Participant) to off (so that everyone can choose when to start broadcasting video), Audio to Both, and selecting the following option: Mute participants on Entry. You may also want to check Record the meeting automatically.
  3. For security, attendance tracking, and ease of identification, we highly recommend using Require authentication to join and selecting UW NetID authentication for your meeting. If you will have Guests Speakers who do not have UW NetIDs, follow these instructions for how to include Guest Speakers.
  4. Confirm that everyone identified as needing Host/Co-host rights are listed as an Alternative Host. Anyone not there can be manually added by the meeting creator by logging in to their Zoom Profile Meeting page and editing the room there.
  5. Click Save to create your series of class meetings. If there are holidays, you can individually delete any meeting sessions that will not be used or edit just that session to reschedule it.

Additional Resources