This shows you how to set up a GitHub Account to use when accepting your GitHub Classroom assignments and how accepting assignments works.
GitHub Account

When you click on an assignment link in your course, you will need to log in to GitHub Classroom.
You can do this either with an existing account, especially if you have already been using a GitHub account for your coursework, or by creating a new account.
NOTE: if you do create a second GitHub account, you need to make sure you are logged in to the correct account before accepting assignments or else they will be associated with your original GitHub account.
We recommend you either create an account with your @uw email or, if you have an existing account, consider adding your @uw email address on the Email tab of your GitHub public profile Settings.
Either Sign In with your existing GitHub account or use the Create an account link.
Sign In
Enter your Username or Email address and Password in the respective fields. Click the Sign In button.
Create an account
- If you select Create an account, you will be asked to enter your email. We recommend using your @uw email for your GitHub account for this
course/program. You can add additional emails to your GitHub account at any time.
As you enter your email, GitHub will begin to check that it is both valid and does not already have a GitHub account associated with it. The Continue button will turn green once both criteria are met.
- You will need to create a password for your GitHub account. Make sure your password is at least 15 characters OR at least 8 characters including a number and a
lowercase letter.
- You will then be asked to enter a username. Keep in mind that all your assignment repositories will be tagged with this username.
- GitHub then asks whether you want to receive product updates and announcements. These are not part of the course so feel free to opt out.
- You now need to verify your account by doing a puzzle. Seriously. It's just an 'I am not a robot' test involving picking which of 6 photos is a spiral galaxy a
couple of times. Pick the one that spirals the most.
- When you have completed your puzzle, you will get a screen to verify your account.
- Next, you will see a welcome screen. It has questions. You can click the Skip personalization link at the bottom and not answer them.
Accepting Assignments
For GitHub Classroom assignments, your Canvas course will have an "accept assignment" type link. When you click this link:
- You will need to log in to GitHub if you are not already
- You will need to grant permissions to GitHub Classrooms if you have not already
- You will then see the GitHub Classroom page letting you know that you will be granted access to a GitHub repository, named for the assignment plus your GitHub username, once you click the Accept this assignment button
You will then see this screen that GitHub Classroom is working to configure your repository, which is where your will do your work for the assignment.
NOTE: The GitHub Student Developer Pack mentioned in the righthand column is only available to full-time
When your repository is ready, you can see this screen that includes the link to your repository (you may need to refresh):
NOTE: You will be able to see your repositories on your main GitHub page: